
LA VENTA al Raduno Internazionale di Speleologia di Finale Ligure

Cari amici, come ogni anno La Venta sarà a presente al Raduno Internazionale di Speleologia di Finale Ligure dal 1 al 5 Novembre 2017.
Potrete trovarci nel cuore di Finalborgo nel bellissimo complesso monumentale di Santa Caterina dove potrete visitare la mostra "I colori del Buio ".

Read more: LA VENTA al Raduno Internazionale di Speleologia di Finale Ligure

Chiapas Earthquake Emergency Fundraising – Mexico

The earthquakes that recently struck Mexico, as everyone has seen from TV and newspapers have caused huge damages due to their violence (7.2 degrees in Chiapas and 8.1 in the center of the country).

Due to the temporal proximity and geographical localization of the two events, especially the second shock in Mexico City, most of the media paid attention to the capital as a consequence of the aid works that have focused there. It almost seemed, even just watching TV, that only that metropolis was hit.

Read more: Chiapas Earthquake Emergency Fundraising – Mexico

Video of exploration on Sarisariñama tepui in Venezuela

The Tepui project, due to the Venezuelan political situation, is experiencing a break. But it is always in our thoughts and we continue to work.

The amount of data the quartz caves are giving us is enormous. And just as enormous is the work of Vittorio who has completed the video editing of the last expedition on the Tepui Sarisariñama. Perhaps the most difficult to reach among those so far entered the project.

Read more: Video of exploration on Sarisariñama tepui in Venezuela

Report of the expedition Shtares 2017

Again this year we returned to the mountains of the Albanian Alps to participate in the "Shtares 2017" project organized by the Martinese Speleological Group in collaboration with the Faentino Speleological Group, La Venta, GSB-USB of Bologna and sponsored by the Italian Speleological Society. The last expedition ended with the discovery of a very promising cave near the village of Vrna and Great in the Tropoje district, where only the first 300 m could be explored. This year we came back with the main goal of continuing the exploration of this cave called “Shpella Shtares”.

Read more: Report of the expedition Shtares 2017

Returned from Iran

Finally, once get back, we can give you news of the Qala Cave Project expedition.

The big pit has been down to the bottom (562 meters) and finally a serious photo documentation has been made. What is not easy with 640 meters of ropes, 9 hours of tip and only 6C of internal temperature.

Read more: Returned from Iran

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