About Us

Who we are

The La Venta team organizes and runs various geographical-speleological and environmental exploration projects in remote areas with difficult access.
On the threshold of the third millennium talking about “geographical exploration” can sound rather inappropriate, especially in a world where human expansion and satellite communication have put the whole of nature under control.
This is not the case.
There is a lot yet to discover in the most remote parts of the earth's surface, an d even more below it, where Night Lands, almost undiscovered, still stretch out. Click to enlargeDissemination of the results from such research is the essential goal of each exploration. La Venta focuses its attention mainly on the quality of documentation, from general communication to scientific publication. This strategy has made it possible to write articles in major world journals and to appear several times on TV, both in Italy and abroad.
One of the main goals of the research projects carried out by the La Venta team is to strengthen the conservation of the areas where we work and to raise awareness of the people who live and work there.
Centuries of tragic experiences in geographical exploration has taught us that exploring is not enough in itself, if there is no understanding of what is being explored and of the ways to preserve it. For this reason geographical documentation is the main activity of our research projects, not only of the caves we explore, but also of their physical and cultural relationship with the environment.
Researchers of the La Venta team carry out their speleological work with an eye to geography, trying to understand the archaeology and history of the places they explore and analyzing their anthropological and physical aspects. Night Lands are crucial parts of an area in our research projects, they are the hidden face.
Excellent results obtained in explorations over the years have made La Venta a well-known and admired association all over the world. This was possible thanks to numerous publications and films made both autonomously and in cooperation with government bodies and cultural and scientific associations.

The President-elected is Francesco Sauro
The other members are:
Tullio Bernabei
Gaetano Boldrini
Leonardo Colavita
Ada De Matteo
Antonio (Tono) De Vivo
Luca Gandolfo
Luca Imperio
Tommaso Santagata


Currently the Association is formed by:

Members: Roberto Abiuso, Paolo Agnelli, Giorgio Annichini, Daniela Barbieri, Teresa Bellagamba, Alvise Belotti, Alessandro BeltrameTullio Bernabei, Gaetano Boldrini, Leonardo Colavita, Carla Corongiu, Vittorio Crobu, Norma Damiano, Riccardo De Luca, Ada De Matteo, Antonio (Tono) De Vivo, Jo De Waele, Umberto Del Vecchio, Davide DomeniciMartino Frova, Luca Gandolfo, Giuseppe Giovine, Luca Imperio, Felice La Rocca, Massimo Liverani, Francesco (Ciccio) Lo Mastro, Luca Massa, Marco Mecchia, Paolo Petrignani, Leonardo Piccini, Enzo Procopio, Alessio Romeo, Giovanni Rossi, Patrizio Rubcich, Natalino Russo, Tommaso Santagata, Francesco Sauro, Giuseppe Savino, Francesco Spinelli, Roberto Trevi, Stefano Vanni, Marco Vattano.

Foreign: José Maria Calaforra, Alicia Davila, Fulvio Eccardi, Esteban Gonzalez, Elizabeth Gutiérrez F., Israel Huerta, Carlos Lazcano, Enrique Lipps, Jesus Lira, Mauricio Náfate L., Jorge Paz T.Monica Ponce, Argellia Tiburcio, Freddy Vergara, Kaleb Zárate Galvez.

Honorary: Raul Arias, Giuseppe Casagrande, Viviano Domenici, Paolo Forti, Elvio Gaido, Amalia Gianolio, Italo Giulivo, Silvia Nora Menghi, Luca Mercalli, Ernesto Piana, Rosanna Rabajoli, Tim Stratford, Marco Topani, Carina Vandenberghe.

To the Memory: Giovanni Badino †, Paolino Cometti †, Francesco Dal Cin †, Edmund Hillary †, Adrian G. Hutton †, Lucas Ruiz †, Thomas Lee Whriting †, Adolfo Eraso Romero †.

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