
Naica. The crystal caves. The book.

Edited by Tullio Bernabei, Antonio De Vivo, Paolo Forti, Francesco Lo Mastro, Natalino Russo
At the beginning of the third millennium, something unique on our planet was discovered in the depths of a silver mine in northern Mexico. A hidden cave, buried 300 meters below the surface, where nature has created an extraordinary treasure for hundreds of thousands of years...

Read more: Naica. The crystal caves. The book.

The bats in the time of Covid

Just four years ago the word of the year in the monumental Oxford English Dictionary was "post-truth" (posttruth), defined as "argumentation, characterized by a strong appeal to emotionality, which, based on widespread beliefs and not verified facts, it tends to be accepted as truthful, influencing public opinion ”. This means that while the scientific community promotes evidence-based behaviors and strategies, modern society may have arrived at a new model in which what matters is not truthfulness but attention and social signaling (McCarthy et al. , 2020). This often results in the dissemination of speculative, misleading or reinterpreted information as certain.

Read more: The bats in the time of Covid

Gorner - Alestch 2020

In this 2020 marked by the rampant Covid-19 pandemic, the activities of La Venta have also suffered a drastic slowdown, all non-European projects are obviously blocked waiting for a return to normal. It is in this context of global uncertainty that Alessio's e-mail, in which he proposed a 4/5 days on the Swiss glaciers, was a bolt from the blue!

Read more: Gorner - Alestch 2020

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