
Also this year we had a 4 day camp in the heart of the Natural Park of Fanes Senes Braies to continue with the monitoring and research into the abyss Cenote, a cave that inside hides a real paleoclimatic archive of the Dolomites.

Like last year, the activities have covered the relief with laser scanner, the replacing of the datalogger and the collection of samples of ice, activities that were possible thanks to the invaluable support of the University of Innsbruck and Leica Geosystems.

On the same days, another group was instead engaged in the exploration of the abyss Spaccalegna, bringing to light new parts of this cave still little known and documented.

The realization of this project was made possible thanks to the collaboration between the Club Speleologico Proteo of Vicenza, La Venta, Gruppo Speleologico Padovano, Gruppo Grotte Treviso and with the support of Elifriulia, Società Speleologica Italiana, Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico Veneto, Spelé Ice, Laserscangst, Parco Naturale Fanes Sennes Braises.

In this video some shots taken during the camp to the Cenote, a complete video will be presented at the next national caving meeting of Lettomanoppello.

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