
Located in Mexico, in the state of Chihuahua, one of the greatest marvels ever discovered, the Cave of Crystals in Naica mine, a heritage of humanity that we all are losing.

In this cave, inside the Naica mine, there are the largest selenite crystal formations of the world. The Association La Venta in collaboration with universities all over the world, has carried there scientific research.


In 2010, without any explanation, the administration in charge of the mine the Industrias Penoles S.A.B. de C.V., denied access to the group of scientists and explorers who were working there. So the most important part of the scientific research and exploration project remained incomplete.

In 2016 the mine was flooded, the cave is still free from the water, but we do not know how much longer. If we do not act quickly the water will reach the level of the cave, flooding it and losing forever this natural heritage of mankind wonder and all the scientific information we could get from it.

We ask that will be granted the access to the cave for the group of scientists who worked on it, in order to complete the research and execute a 3D laser scanning that can ensure mankind the privilege of knowing this natural wonder, are only required 10 working days, the Association of Geographical Exploration La Venta will be liable for integrity of the the personal, taking into account all the risks involved in the exploration.

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