
Again in Iceland for the Hraunrásir project

The team La Venta is about to embark on a new expedition to Iceland. For the fourth time, we are going back to Fagradalsfjall volcano on the Reykjanes Peninsula
In November 2022 our president Francesco Sauro was awarded with a National Geographic Society Grant in support of the "Hraunrásir" project to study the mineralogy and biology of newly formed lava tubes. We return to the volcano two years after the eruptive phase, with the most complex endeavour of this project.

Read more: Again in Iceland for the Hraunrásir project

Contact cavities and the future of glaciers… a Polaroid from October 2022

The October 2022 expedition concluded the monitoring of some contact caves on the Aletsch and Gorner glaciers, both located in the Swiss canton of Valais. The collection of data and topographic surveys is linked to a study organized and carried out by the "Inside the Glaciers" team, already launched last year through the project called "Northen Side of the Alps 2021". The La Venta Association always remains at the forefront in active support of such research.

Read more: Contact cavities and the future of glaciers… a Polaroid from October 2022

La Venta present and awarded at the International Speleology Congress

Dissemination has always been one of the main objectives of the La Venta association. After Sydney in 2017, once again this year we participated in the International Speleology Congress which took place in France, in the splendid setting of Bourget du Lac, between the karst massifs of Chartreuse and Vanoise.

Read more: La Venta present and awarded at the International Speleology Congress

Between volcanoes and glaciers

The expedition to Iceland has just ended and the whole group has returned to Italy.

In the last days, activities have continued first on the Fagradalsfjall volcano and then on the Virkisjökull glacier.

Read more: Between volcanoes and glaciers

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