
Inside Galapagos volcanoes

In a few days he will start a small group of two people (Francesco Lo Mastro and Umberto Del Vecchio) for a brief survey to the Galapagos in perspective of a research expedition.

The Galápagos are an archipelago of volcanic islands some 1,000 km off the western coast of Ecuador. The islands were first discovered in 1535. Various attempts were made at colonizing the islands during the 1700s and 1800s. But it was Charles Darwin that made the islands famous with “The Origin of the Species” by documenting specialization of fauna on the various islands.

Read more: Inside Galapagos volcanoes

The endless journey of caving exploration

The video of the intervention by Francesco Sauro at the Verona TEDx. A long journey in caving exploration.

There is still a whole world to discover. The hidden world of caves. With its thousands and thousands of research possibilities.

From the mountains behind our house to the most remote places on earth. What matters is only our ability to dream and to explore these dreams.

Read more: The endless journey of caving exploration

Francesco Sauro between the Next Generation Leaders on TIME Magazine

It has been published today on Time Magazine, one of the most widespread and influential magazines in the world, a reportage on the young people will profoundly change the world and its vision for the future.

Among the ten protagonists of this year there is our Francesco Sauro.

Read more: Francesco Sauro between the Next Generation Leaders on TIME Magazine

The proceedings of the Bossea conference

The Bossea caves, in Frabosa Soprana in the province of Cuneo, host since 1969 the Underground Karst Laboratory which aims to study, protect and improve the karst environment with research of hydrogeology, underground meteorology, natural radioactivity and biospeleology.

In June 2013, the laboratory, hosted the National Congress on " Karst Research". Today acts of this conference are available in electronic format at this link.

Read more: The proceedings of the Bossea conference

Summary and reflections on an improvised expedition

Often expeditions are modified during their execution and the events we're involved in carry us to new areas and different objectives, but this is all part of adventure and exploration!
In this case we had to completely change our destination and partially also the objectives even before starting. We had planned a scientific expedition in Argentina, on the famous Perito Moreno glacier and a lighter expedition, mainly explorative, on the unknown Ameghino glacier!

Read more: Summary and reflections on an improvised expedition

The Caves of Naica: a decade of research

The caves of the Naica Mine have been the subject of study by scientists from up to seven counties over the past decade.

Up to fifty research works have published to date, most relating to the origin of the giant selenite crystals of the Cueva de los Cristales.

Nevertheless, a great deal of knowledge has been generated about other relevant aspects of the Naica system.

Read more: The Caves of Naica: a decade of research

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