
The Bossea caves, in Frabosa Soprana in the province of Cuneo, host since 1969 the Underground Karst Laboratory which aims to study, protect and improve the karst environment with research of hydrogeology, underground meteorology, natural radioactivity and biospeleology.

In June 2013, the laboratory, hosted the National Congress on " Karst Research". Today acts of this conference are available in electronic format at this link.

Among the many interesting speeches we want to signal the presence of jobs, not only of members of La Venta, but most about the activities of our Association.

In particular, a speech by Paolo Forti and Francesco Lo Mastro about Naica (on the experimental laboratory for some time La Venta had installed there, and that was the deepest in the world) and one by Francesco Sauro, Freddy Vergara, Antonio De Vivo and Jo De Waele about Imawary, the longest cave in the world in quartzite.

Thanks to the laboratory, the organizers and to all those who have collaborated with patronage or engaging in the scientific committee.

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