
Returned the expedition to the Puerto Princesa Underground River

The first expedition ended and a lot of work has been done, the instruments have been positioned and are waiting to be discharged in the next expeditions. The UR side branches are many, among them some are very long and complex and to reach them sometimes has required several hours of walking and even swimming. Now however, the number of branches has grown since despite the hundred things to do and the reduced number of people involved were able to find some prosecutions and delight our eyes with other wonders, and the spirit with a beautiful exploration!

Read more: Returned the expedition to the Puerto Princesa Underground River

Protection of the natural heritage of the giants crystal cave - Online Petition

Located in Mexico, in the state of Chihuahua, one of the greatest marvels ever discovered, the Cave of Crystals in Naica mine, a heritage of humanity that we all are losing.

In this cave, inside the Naica mine, there are the largest selenite crystal formations of the world. The Association La Venta in collaboration with universities all over the world, has carried there scientific research.

Read more: Protection of the natural heritage of the giants crystal cave - Online Petition

Palawan, continues the scientific mission

The mainly scientific expedition to Puerto Princesa Underground River continues. In two weeks we have finished placing all the instruments for monitoring and measuring.

Probably at the end of this project this will be one of the most studied caves in the world as well as one of the most complicated to understand by the environmental and biological point of view.

Read more: Palawan, continues the scientific mission

First week in Palawan

It passed the first week of expedition to the Puerto Princesa Underground River. A very busy week, sometimes too. Thousand things to do and time is always too short.

The first few days, in addition to having arranged logistic, we have done the preparatory course for the guides of the tourist part of the cave. 20 between park rangers and guides who now have the instruments to properly present this wonder to the 300,000 tourists who annually come here.

Read more: First week in Palawan

Support for sustainable eco-tourism in Puerto Princesa Underground River - Project 2016-2017

The Puerto Princesa Underground River is one of the largest subterranean estuaries of the world, where tides propagates over 5 km inside. The cave, consisting of over 30 km of giant galleries, hosts an extremely complex ecosystem based on the huge colonies of bats and swallows. Its natural singularity was recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO since 1999, while the first part of its navigable branch was transformed into a show cave since 1982.  A peculiarity of this cave is that, even been visited by more than 300.000 people/year, no fixed structures at all have been installed inside PPUR, which therefore should be still considered a totally pristine cave.

Read more: Support for sustainable eco-tourism in Puerto Princesa Underground River - Project 2016-2017

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