
The underground world of the Galapagos Islands

There are few places in the world that are still untouched, the Galapagos archipelago is certainly one of them. Made famous thanks to the work "The origin of the species" by Charles Darwin, these thirteen volcanic islands are still little known especially from the underground point of view.

Read more: The underground world of the Galapagos Islands

Atacama salt caves 3D

Although it is now over a year since the last expedition in search of micro-organisms that live in the salt caves of the Cordillera de la Sal (Chile) for the project "Reading the salt caves of Atacama", it is difficult to forget the numerous past adventures and nights spent staring up at the stars before falling asleep.

Read more: Atacama salt caves 3D

Errata corrige

In the book of the twenty-fifth of the Association the editors made a mistake in attributing the photo published on page 52 which depicts the entrance of the Cueva de la Vuelta into the Rio la Venta on the day it was discovered and explored for the first time.

Read more: Errata corrige

The Iran Salt Caves 2019 expedition returned

After a fruitful first week from the scientific point, but not gratifying from the exploratory one, the long awaited discovery of new cavities has arrived.
A group of 17 Italian speleologists and some Iranian friends have worked to clarify the phenomenon of the Saline Diapires in the Fars and Busher regions south of Shiraz.

Read more: The Iran Salt Caves 2019 expedition returned

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