
A trip to the extraterrestrial environment of caves in salt in Chile

Thanks to a project funded by the National Geographic Society, the speleologists of "La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche" will support a group of international research led by Jo De Waele, partner La Venta and lecturer of the University of Bologna, to explore and study the caves that are formed in the salt present in the Atacama desert in the "Cordillera de la Sal", in Chile.

Read more: A trip to the extraterrestrial environment of caves in salt in Chile

Great news from Mount Kronio

With much of Italy scourged by bad weather, snowfalls and cold air from Russia, our ideal meeting point becomes the warm caves of Monte Kronio and in particular the Grotta Cucchiara. In this cavity, from 24th to 28th February 2018, activities were carried out within the collaboration agreement between the Department of Earth and Sea Sciences of the University of Palermo, the Association of the Venta Explorazioni Geografiche and the Caves Commission Boegan.

Read more: Great news from Mount Kronio

Geological Society of London, published an article on Puerto Princesa Underground River

We are pleased to announce that the PPUR article in the Special Publication series of the Geological Society of London has just appeared, for now only as an e-print. It is also, at least for now, the last signed by Giovanni Badino.

Read more: Geological Society of London, published an article on Puerto Princesa Underground River

The bibliography of Giovanni Badino

Badino started publishing very young, when he was still a high school student: in fact his first print work appeared, in 1971, on Stalactites and Stalagmites, Bulletin of the Savonese Speleological Group, which he had recently started attending.

Read more: The bibliography of Giovanni Badino

Assembly 2018 in Perugia

he annual meeting of the La Venta Association took place in Perugia on the 13th and 14th of January. On this occasion, an evening was also organized to present the main projects of the association, which saw the participation of many cavers friends from central Italy and not, all in the memory of Giovanni Badino, for whom was presented, for the first time, the bibliography. A collection of hundreds of works that allows us to understand only a small part of the enormity of the work done by Giovanni in decades of research and scientific dissemination.

Read more: Assembly 2018 in Perugia

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