
Badino started publishing very young, when he was still a high school student: in fact his first print work appeared, in 1971, on Stalactites and Stalagmites, Bulletin of the Savonese Speleological Group, which he had recently started attending.

From that moment on he never stopped, so much so that over the course of his life he published over 750 works, the last one sent to the International Journal of Speleology only a couple of days before he died. There were two areas in which Giovanni, as a writer, was active: Speleology and particle physics. The bibliographic list that we publish, organized chronologically, better than many words can illustrate the incredible variety and vastness of Badino's printed publications. However, it can not be considered complete, in fact, since Giovanni did not keep any trace of his publications, it was necessary to rebuild it from scratch. It is however certain that some writings, especially those published in foreign speleological magazines and bulletins, because of their scarce diffusion and practical impossibility of finding, have not been traced and therefore it is desirable that in the near future it is possible to integrate and complete this list edited by Paolo Forti.

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