
The secrets of the Tepui on New Scientist

Nice article about the secrets of the Tepui appeared these days on New Scientist.

A topic that more and more passionate about not only speleologists and adventure lovers but the entire scientific community for the many implications, and multiple research disciplines that are possible in these lost worlds.

Read the article on New Scientist

Like mules

And so also the expedition to Tyndall Glacier is coming to an end.
The area of the only possible base camp was unfortunately still very far from the area where are the absorptions. And given that in more than one in the group had the flu has been thought to do an advanced camp reaching the pits with what was necessary for two days of activities.

Read more: Like mules

Arrived on Tyndall

Leaved from the house of the guards of Lake Grey, after three days of hard walking, the new group arrived at the camp already used 16 years ago of Laguna de los Tres.
For a small misunderstanding with the park authority (they thought that could no longer use horses) they have done all the carrying on their shoulder and, even today, some continue shuttling to bring finally all the material in the base camp area.

Read more: Arrived on Tyndall

News from Grey

The fortune finally turned to our side. The initial bureaucratic problems have hijacked our expedition by the Argentine Patagonia in Chilean territory where we had no kind of permission and little information regarding local restrictions.  We simply crossed the border and reached the Administration of the Torres del Paine park for presenting what we are : a group of cavers who has already made expeditions in the area with the aim of studying the hydrology of glaciers Grey and Tyndall respectively of 12 to 16 years away, a collection of data that eventually will have a great weight on the evolutional study of glaciers and the effect of regional climate.

Read more: News from Grey

Finally on the glacier

The beginning of the 2016 expedition to Patagonia was certainly not of the easiest.
Our friends in these days should have been on an Argentinian glacier but a series of misunderstandings with permits has forced them to change objectives and especially the nature of the expedition.
It had to be a purely scientific expedition and instead was turned into a revisitation of places where La Venta was 12 years ago. But first things first.

Read more: Finally on the glacier

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