
Missed the opportunity to do research in Argentina we immediately put in motion to try not to miss the opportunity and the trip already booked. The timely decision to move to Chile the whole expedition was made possible thanks to the attention and cooperation of CONAF (authority that controls and manages this area Chilean parks). There was no time to move all the scientific part, and so it was decided to return after so many years on glaciers already known. It will look like a kludge but this return allows us to understand what happened to the climate of this area in recent years. How much global warming has affected these areas even if so remote and constantly cool of the planet.
Our friends are now on the Grey glacier guests of the rangers and you can follow their movements from day to day using this link. It's great to track them in real time.
The first news that they have invited already speak quite clear unfortunately. The glacier front is receding about 100 meters every year. The area where we have dropped the main wells 12 years ago still exists but the thickness of the glacier appears to have lowered at least one hundred meters. And this makes it much more difficult to reach.
Anyway now they begin to move to this area aided by rangers and will be in this area until at least 14th and then move to another glacier.

We appreciate the cooperation that we hope will become constant and continue the CONAF and in particular the National Park Tower of the Paine.

Sponsors: Konus, SRC, Aspros, Tiberino, Amphibious, Gruppo Servizi Topografici, Dolomite, Ferrino, De Walt, Scurion, New Foods, Raumer.


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