
Leaved from the house of the guards of Lake Grey, after three days of hard walking, the new group arrived at the camp already used 16 years ago of Laguna de los Tres.
For a small misunderstanding with the park authority (they thought that could no longer use horses) they have done all the carrying on their shoulder and, even today, some continue shuttling to bring finally all the material in the base camp area.

With them is a ranger who decided to consume his vacations to accompany them and enjoy the adventure. He will try, at least, to procure two private horses that will go to meet them at the end of the expedition to retrieve the material.

Apparently there are several physical problems that are taking their toll: a few have fever, sore throat and flu symptoms; some a little of painful bones for long overloaded marches that are felt especially on the knees, but they are continuing undeterred. Also because with them there is our beloved doctor Beppe Giovine who in fact... with a small solitary march has escaped from the camp and arrived in view of the glacier.

After 16 years the Tyndall has changed a lot, almost unrecognizable. And certainly much more in need of care and attention of our friends.
Where once there was a large horizontal sub glacial cave now there is a huge lake, and laterally, a front of ice that continually collapses. Even a side glacier, the Zapata, no longer exists.

They will remain in this area until April 26 and soon we will know more.
Meanwhile, the movements are tracked with GPS and you can follow at this link.


We appreciate the cooperation the CONAF and in particular the National Park Tower of the Paine.

Sponsors: Konus, SRC, Aspros, Tiberino, Amphibious, Gruppo Servizi Topografici, Dolomite, Ferrino, De Walt, Scurion, New Foods, Raumer.


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