Publishing projects


Kur is the magazine of the Association La Venta.

In the ancient Sumerian language, Kur means “mountain” or "foreign land", although this word was also used to refer to Hell. That’s why Kur is the best name for a magazine that aims at publishing reports and results of exploration projects in far-flung and wild places, mainly in mountains’ depths. This magazine wants to be a sort of memory for both our Association and for all the people who share our passion.


Kur 1 - Ita/Eng

Kur 2  - Ita/Eng

Kur 3  - Ita/Eng

Kur 4  - Ita/Eng

Kur 5  - Ita/Eng

Kur 6  - Ita/Eng

Kur 7  - Ita/Eng

Kur 8  - Ita/Eng

Kur 9  - Ita/Eng

Kur 10  - Ita/Eng

Kur 11  - Ita/Eng

Kur 12  - Ita/Eng

Kur 13  - Ita/Eng

Kur 14  - Ita/Eng

Kur 15  - Ita/Eng

Kur 16  - Ita/Eng

Kur 17  - Ita/Eng

Kur 18  - Ita/Eng

Kur 19  - Ita/Eng

Kur 20  - Ita

Kur 20  - Eng

Kur 21  - Ita

Kur 21  - Eng

Kur 22  - Ita

Kur 23  - Ita/Eng

Kur 24  - Ita

Kur 25  - Ita

Kur 25  - Eng

Kur 26  - Ita

Kur 26  - Eng

Kur 27  - Ita

Kur 27  - Eng

Kur 28  - Ita

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