
We have received this email and we like to report it in full:
"I am writing to you because in these days the anniversary of my degree is celebrated. I spoke to you of the thanks given at the end of the thesis in which I spoke of La Venta. In Atacama we talked about it and I think that the members of the Association could be enthusiastic about having spurred on a young speleologist to enroll in university and deepen the scientific side of speleology.


Below is the excerpt from the credits reported in my thesis.
It was winter between 2010 and 2011, it was sunny and it was hot in that tropical cove. The sea was furious and had not allowed us to enter the coastal cave that we had to explore that day. For this we decided to spend a morning of rest, after almost a month spent in the Philippine forest of Palawan. I was discussing with Carla about my future. I had just finished high school and I was always convinced that it was now time to start a career, suited to the expected life by being born in a small village nestled among the Trentinian karst plateaus. Instead I had happened on an expedition, in contact with geologists, biologists, photographers, all speleologists. Their life and their research had begun to intrigue me, I began to think I wanted to live it too. Where I live I am immersed in nature, I have always been curious, I have always wanted to understand it. That's why I often read about geology, but I never thought about enrolling at university. Studying was tiring me, I preferred to run for my mountains and caves without thinking about anything. That morning, in that creek, the spark was triggered in me and soon I would have joined the geology.
I send you a dear greeting, I hope to meet you soon."
Stefano Marighetti

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