
Edited by Tullio Bernabei, Antonio De Vivo, Paolo Forti, Francesco Lo Mastro, Natalino Russo
At the beginning of the third millennium, something unique on our planet was discovered in the depths of a silver mine in northern Mexico. A hidden cave, buried 300 meters below the surface, where nature has created an extraordinary treasure for hundreds of thousands of years...

An almost comic book place, which surpasses the most daring imagination, protected and preserved from constant humidity and above all from a temperature impossible for humans: more than 46 ° C.
We have had the privilege and responsibility to explore a small window open for a tiny fragment of time into the geological history of the Earth, destined to become part of human geography.
Exploring and documenting the Naica caves required five years of risky missions by an international team led by the La Venta Association, which has developed the technologies necessary to survive and operate in this deadly environment. The purpose of this book is to honor that experience by telling how we did it, surviving, and showing what is possibly the greatest underground wonder in the world.
The numbers
224 color pages
More than 200 photos and drawings
Matted coated paper 150 grams
3 different editions: Italian, English, Spanish


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