

Alexandr Sergeevich Vishnevskii (1955-2015) was a leader of Soviet and Russian caving explorations in the 80's, 90's and in 2000. He was the leader of a series of exceptionals expeditions in Baisun-Tau and Surkhan-Tau and that made the cave Boi-Bulok one of the deepest caves in the world. It was also the initiator of the tradition of inviting foreign speleologists in Russian expeditions, breaking the "iron curtain" between Soviet and Western explorers.

Read more: Sasha

Approaching the Aracà

After 13 hours of navigation with the fast boat from Manaus to Barcelos (nearly 450 kilometers) our friends immediately started with a smaller boat and, after another 50 kilometers on the Rio Negro, have finally reached the Rio Aracà. The journey was quiet thanks to swollen rivers, but never rushing, ensuring easy navigation in this period.
From where they are now, finally, on the plan of the Amazonas, they see their target: the Tepui Araca.

Read more: Approaching the Aracà

Aracà 2015

June 29 - July 17 The Tepui project of the La Venta Association continues and goes beyond the borders of Venezuela, where in recent years have been explored many caves in quartzites including the jewel called Imawari, the longest cave in Venezuela and, in the quartzite sandstones, of the world. The typical quartzite mountains with tabular tops that rises from plains with vertiginous walls are not only in the Gran Sabana in Venezuela but also in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and Colombia.

Read more: Aracà 2015

On the Auyan Tepui with the BBC

The Tepui Project is one of the most important for our association. In the quartzite mountains of the Gran Sabana, between Venezuela and Brazil, open thousands of caves. Twenty years of expeditions have taught us to see their immensity. The Tepui, islands between the clouds, are world in themselves. They preserve another dimension, an unexplored underground world made by deep cracks, galleries, waterfalls, crystals and minerals formed over millions of years. The exploration of these places has a value not only for speleology: the study of caves and ecosystems so old can provide valuable information on the geological and climatic history of the planet. In 2012 the discovery of the Imawarí Yeuta cave on the Auyan stimulated our activity on the Tepui and caused our member Francesco Sauro to win in 2014 the prestigious Rolex Award for Enterprise. The award has allowed us to extend the project to other massifs, including the Aracá in the Brazilian Amazon that we have overflown in October 2014 (and where we will go by the end of June with another expedition), the Marahuaka Sarisariñama, subject of another survey last March.

Read more: On the Auyan Tepui with the BBC

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