There is an obscure corner of the Earth that sends explorers out into the world..

Karl Kraus, 1909

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The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. 

Marcel proust

Quartzite is better known with its technical name of quartz-arenite. It is essentially rock mostly made of quartz grains, the size of sand grains, cemented by silica. These rocks are very hard and resistant as a result of re-crystallization.
Quartz is the most widespread mineral on the earth’s surface but it is almost always interspersed with other minerals. Also it is very resistant to chemical weathering.
Alteration processes generally destroy other minerals leaving quartz and a few others intact. As a consequence, rocks subjected to erosion-sedimentation-lithification cycles are richer in quartz and tend to become quartzite.
Quartzite of the Gran Sabana formed almost 1.6 billion years ago in the huge continent that united Africa and South America. These sands are very ancient and were laid down by old rivers that flowed into a new land, devoid of any evolved forms of life. In these mountains, as a result of the separation of South America from Africa, rivers flowing down from the Andean Chain carved large canyons that isolated wide plateaus. It is right on these plateaus that waters started to penetrate into the rock digging the wonderful tepui caves, perhaps when dinosaurs were still roaming our planet.

All our explorations

  • Tepui: Explorations at the gates of time Amazonas, border with Brazil and Venezuela - Research on the plateaus of the Amazon basin, through ancient caves, vertiginous walls and impenetrable forests. Geographical
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  • Palawan, Philippines - The research in the large subterranean estuary of Palawan Island, among long dark lakes, plentiful biology and tropical forests. Geographical area: the island of Palawan, southern-western Philippines, a
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  • PATAGONIA: GLACIER HYPER-KARST AND EXTINCT POPULATIONSExplorations between crystallized vortices of the Hielo Continental and lost populations.South America is a strip of land that juts out into the vast Southern Ocean,
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  • SAMARKAND: GIANT REEFS IN A SEA OF SANDExplorations in the deepest caves of Asia, on giant peaks of the Pamir-Alaj Mountains, one of the scenes of the collapse of the
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  • ALPINE GLACIAL KARST: THE SHAPE OF WATER-HOLESExploration project of “water-holes”, cavities created by melting within large glaciers.Our association has worked on glaciers all over the world for over 20 years
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  • Temples and underground rivers of the distant Myanmar Geographical Area: Indocina peninsula - Myanmar - Shan State, Central-Eastern Myanmar, about 700 km north-east of Yangon. The peninsula of Indochina contains some of
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