
Despite the leaving friends, the passing years, the economic and bureaucratic difficulties, the increasingly complicated lives (and only apparently simplified by innovations), the La Venta association goes on, accompanied by KUR, our memory.

New forces and faces are proposed and they push the group, mixing with the "old" and continuing little by little that line traced now a long time ago and that still makes sense. Indeed, it has more and more: it is the path of 360 ° exploration, of the organization put at the service of curiosity, of the story in all its forms, of the ever new and always achievable dream, if you really commit yourself. And at the same time it is the path of respect for extreme environments, now indispensable, and towards the people we meet: the latter even more important, given the times in which we live.

Whether we are talking about Iran, Mexico, Chile, Iceland or the Philippines, as happens in this issue, our approach tries to be always the same, in the short and long term: minimal impact, total sharing with the locals, contribution to the growth of speleology of the place, high level documentation.

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