
The report the prospection in the Galapagos

After the recognition of the islands we arrived in Quito. Here it is a little cold; we are at three thousand meters but obviously we were getting used too well to the ocean climate.

Summing up of the prospecting I'd say it went pretty well; perhaps better than what we expected. All contacts in the lineup have been met. Theo, the ecuadorian geologist co-project manager and expert on volcanoes of Galapagos, Aaron, the other american geologist who was with us have been really a surprise, for sympathy and disposability. In short, two excellent travel companions.

Read more: The report the prospection in the Galapagos

Walking on volcanoes

On the day 27, we have been engaged in the approaching of the volcanoes Sierra Negra and Volcan Cicho.

The climb to the great crater of Sierra Negra, about 9 km in diameter, is said to be the second largest active crater in the world, lasted about an hour and a half.

Read more: Walking on volcanoes

Fatigue and happiness

Our boys are in Tehran and they finally reported what happened on the Zagros Mountains.

Have risen to 3,000 meters with 12 hours of walking under a blazing sun. Luckily they had the help of some mule that does not, however, obviate the need to carry on shoulder a big part of the equipment.

Read more: Fatigue and happiness

Flying on volcanoes

Saturday Ciccio and Umberto performed a flyover with a Cessna in the northern part of Isla Isabela, specifically in the areas of Wolf and Ecuador volcanoes. The objectives are multiple in anticipation of the expedition to this area in the coming year.

Among the most important there is the evaluation of logistics and transportation difficulties, both for sea and ground, with the installation of a base camp and some advanced fields depending on the exploration areas.

Read more: Flying on volcanoes

Galapagos, first contacts and first caves

Finally, after two days in Puerto Ayora de S. Cruz, this morning, together with Aaron Addison of Washington University in St. Louis and Theofilos Toulkeridis of the Polytechnic Institute of Quito we were able to get a meeting with the direction of Parque Nacional Galapagos. The meeting was fairly formal, but after the first few minutes there was a climate of cordiality and cooperation.

Read more: Galapagos, first contacts and first caves

Kuh and Parau recognition - Northern Zagros - Iran 22-30 June 2016

The idea of a caving recognition of the Zagros Mountains comes from far away, both in time and in space. But it comes above all from the depths of the best known of this cave: the Ghar Parau, an abyss that opens just below the top of Sheikh Ali Khan (3357 m), explored down to -750 meters in the early seventies by the cavers of the Yorkshire Ramblers Club.

Read more: Kuh and Parau recognition - Northern Zagros - Iran 22-30 June 2016

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