
The forty years of the Rolex Award for Enterprise: caving and exploring on the front line

Ended in the evening of November 15 the event organized by Rolex in Los Angeles to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Rolex Award for Enterprise. Since 1976, Rolex has honored exceptional people who possess the conviction and ideas required to significantly contribute to improving the world. Over the years this program has received more than 33,000 applications from 190 countries around the world and awards the prize to 140 innovators, from 24 to 74 years of age.

Read more: The forty years of the Rolex Award for Enterprise: caving and exploring on the front line

Cenote 2016

Also this year we had a 4 day camp in the heart of the Natural Park of Fanes Senes Braies to continue with the monitoring and research into the abyss Cenote, a cave that inside hides a real paleoclimatic archive of the Dolomites.

Read more: Cenote 2016

Insieme per Daniel

Daniel, un ragazzo come noi, uno speleologo, un padre, dopo una vita dinamica, sportiva e attiva improvvisamente e misteriosamente si è ammalto di Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica (SLA), diagnosticata nel marzo 2015.
Daniel è stato anche varie volte con noi in spedizione.
E' passato solo un anno e mezzo e Daniel ora non si muove più e parla a stento. Ora c'è la possibilità di provare una nuova cura ma purtroppo costosa e insostenibile per lui che non lavora più.
Aiutiamo Daniel ad affrontare le spese per una vita dignitosa e per curarsi con le cellule staminali.
Fai una donazione sul conto corrente bancario intestato a:
Daniel Paharnicu
Banca Intesa
IBAN: IT31S0306905128100000001879
Codice Swift: BCITIT31840
Causale: "Donazione per le cure di Daniel Paharnicu, contro la SLA".

Parasites and parasitized

Sometimes, back from expeditions, we feel inquiries about animals present in those areas. In particular of those considered dangerous (jaguars, snakes, crocodiles...). Sure encounters with these animals will take place. And certainly they are often dangerous encounters.

But often are animals so small as not to be taken into account that makes expeditions problematic. One of them, for sure, is the Tunga Penetrans or Nigua, the smallest existing flea (for more information refer to the wikipedia page).

Read more: Parasites and parasitized

Finally news from Albania

In Albania everything is ok, they have finished to explore the cave Spella Mark detecting other 400m of new branch. There are still some points to be explored but the majority was done. It is not too difficult, a lot of mud and some bestial narrow but it goes. Above all the logistics is very difficult.

Read more: Finally news from Albania

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