
Uzbekistan 2016: La Venta on Chul Bair, twenty five years later

We are on Chul Bair, the central sector of the Sur Khan Tau chain, at base camp Boj Bulok, to 2670 m altitude.

As in the previous five mornings, we are preparing to climb up to 3550 m of the entrance in the wall of Chul Bair 15, a cave discovered in 2015 and that this year is unfolding definitely. The past few days we have explored down to approximately -200 m: after a succession of short jumps there is a wonderful and very hard meander, tight at the start and then wide an average of half a meter, to go through in the top, in the bottom, or in split or in opposition seamlessly. Soaked and slimy in the final part (explored), in pure Boj Bulok style to be clear.

Read more: Uzbekistan 2016: La Venta on Chul Bair, twenty five years later

Albania - Curraj

A new collaboration for La Venta. The Martinese Speleological group, in collaboration with the Bolognese Speleological Group GSB-USB and the Faentino Speleological Group, is leaving for the second consecutive year for an expedition on the Albanian Alps.

The project takes its name from the village of Curraj I Ëperm  located in a river valley in the foothills of the mountains Kakise (2.359 m.) and Boshit (2.415 m.).

Read more: Albania - Curraj

Started the explorations on the great wall

12 hours by bus. 6 hours by "cattle truck". Just as many hours walking helped by mules but loaded like and more of them.

Saturday was prepared the base camp at an altitude of 3500 and already yesterday started the operations with some who have climbed on top of the wall. Their goal is to reach some entrances in the wall already seen last year. The hope is that are caves that somehow go to connect to Boi Bulok.

Read more: Started the explorations on the great wall

Back to Boj Bulok

Will start in a few days the seventh expedition of La Venta in the south of Uzbekistan, once again between the chalk giants of Sukhandaryo region, near the border with Afghanistan. Also this year the activities will be coordinated by the Russians friends of the Speleo Club Ekaterinburg, which since the mid-eighties carry out this fascinating international exploration project among the most complex, because of long approaches and technically very difficult caves.

Read more: Back to Boj Bulok

Imawarì, working on 3D models

With the help of GST Gruppo Servizi Topografici, that gave us in use one of his laser scanner Leica HDS 7000, during the last expedition in Venezuela, and in particular in the Ymawarì Yeutà cave, it was possible to proceed with the acquisition of internal and external topographic data.

Read more: Imawarì, working on 3D models

Completed the first recognition in Persia

Almost all rides and sleepless nights (Natalino has calculated some thirty-two hours of sleep in eight days), this first round in Iran leaves us lactic acid and perspectives.

We land in Tehran after midnight. Waiting for us there Yousef Sorninia, Yones Shariatmadari and Mohammed Khalidzadeh of the Iranian Caving and Speleology Association (ICSA). We load our stuff on two small cars and, eight hours and several drowsiness later, here we are in Kermanshah.

Read more: Completed the first recognition in Persia

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