
12 hours by bus. 6 hours by "cattle truck". Just as many hours walking helped by mules but loaded like and more of them.

Saturday was prepared the base camp at an altitude of 3500 and already yesterday started the operations with some who have climbed on top of the wall. Their goal is to reach some entrances in the wall already seen last year. The hope is that are caves that somehow go to connect to Boi Bulok.

Another team has instead begun transporting materials into the terrible abyss.

Probably now for a few days the news will be less frequent. But the hope is that will be great once they get out!

Sponsors: Amphibious, Chelab, De Walt, Dolomite, Fedra Srl di Tiziano Conte, Ferrino, Hennessy Hammock, Intermatica, Raumer, SAE, Scurion, Tiberino.

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