
2001 - 2002 - 2003: expeditions 4CIn order to explore these caves and to discover new ones it will be necessary to equip advanced base camps in canyons and mountains, overcoming difficulties due to water transfer (there isn’t any known spring). As regards extremely deep and complex caves it will be necessary to equip base camps inside the caves.
4CDuring cave explorations we will carry out instrumental mapping, observations and geological sampling, surveys on physical data such as temperature, air flows, relative humidity, etc. As regards the spring lakes, research will be based on the underwater topography of the most significant pools and on the exploration of conduits that will be discovered. The goal is to produce the minimum impact on submerged ecosystems. Moreover we will try to describe through topographic mapping the morphology of inflow and outflow conduits in relation to the lithology of the explored sites.
 Specific hydro-geological studies will be carried out on water bodies: precise height measurements of each lake on the mean sea level and comparison of relative heights; measurements and comparison of temperatures; various types of chemical and physical analyses; measurements and monitoring of flow rates and levels, calculations of the speed of flow of intake conduits and drainage galleries. In the end a subaqueous photographic documentation will be realised, as it does not yet exist.
Some figures of the project that give an idea of the work performed: more than 70 researchers involved, 65 new caves explored, 8 km of underground topography, almost 200 geo-topographic observation points, tens of underwater immersions, thousands of metres of rope used within pools in mines and caves, thousands of kilometres walked, amongst all participants, on giant mountains without paths. Not to mention the numerous canyons descended for the first time by man. Torna al progetto

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