
Auyan Tepui 1996

Between February and March '96 a new expedition was carried on to complete the explorative work of the dephts of the Aonda platform (so called by the name of the main chasm, 360 meters deep and almost 600 long) and to further deepen the study of the speleogenetic mechanism in the quartzites. The expedition, however, was mainly aimed at the production of a 16mm documentary dedicated to these extraordinary environments and in particular to their caves and to the research carried out by La Venta Association. To the expedition, completed with the support of RAI (Italian public television), took part also the director Enrico Hendel and a team specialized in nature documentaries.
In parallel with the complex documentation task, which forced the team to transport heavy materials to the bottom of the Sima Aonda, were continued also some speleological explorations, reaching the bottom of the Fummifera Acque Pit, 350 meters deep, and the exploration of the Bloque Sima, then connected to the underground collector of the Sima Aonda.

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