
Our boys are in Tehran and they finally reported what happened on the Zagros Mountains.

Have risen to 3,000 meters with 12 hours of walking under a blazing sun. Luckily they had the help of some mule that does not, however, obviate the need to carry on shoulder a big part of the equipment.

Positioned the camp at night and rested for a few hours they started, the next morning to go down in Qala Cave, a deep well where the Iranian friends who host and accompany them are conducting the explorations.

With them have come down to -400 to change ropes and nails. The great thing was to do it without having to use lights as the pit, until there, it is brightly lit by sunlight.

The next day they helped to prepare the ground for the next camp that the Iranians will do in the area to continue the descent. Yes, because the shaft continues. More or less for at least as many meters. Which would make it certainly the deepest of the earth. Now we will wait anxiously for the near camp news.

The following days were dedicated to carry out recognitions in the area to assess the actual potential beyond this monstrous pit. And are really immense potentialities. Have been identified and positioned with GPS numerous other caves, all with vertical start. It really seems, like they told us excited on the phone, a paradise for speleologists. If only it were not for the small detail of working at height and the bestial approaches.

The traditional Iranian hospitality has done the rest. The happiness to have found an amazing place and people was evident in their words.

Now will begin the work of programming this new adventure in Persia. Which promise to be exciting as ever!

Sponsors: Amphibious, Chelab, De Walt, Dolomite, Fedra srl di Tiziano Conte, Ferrino, Hennessy Hammock, Intermatica, Raumer, SAE, Scurion, Tiberino.

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